About Wing

There is no denying the fact that perhaps in the whole world the Brahma Kumaris is the only organization which is run and managed on such an international scale by the women of the organization. It becomes more significant when one notes that since its inception in 1936-37, when women in the country had a very sad state of position in the society and family, the charge of the management of this spiritual organization was actively given to women and it has been the Dadis and the senior sisters, of course with the positive and constructive support from the brothers, who have looked to the growth and development of the Brahma Kumaris across the world in more than 135 countries.

In the year 1986, when the UNO declared it the Year of the Women, the Brahma Kumaris under the Rajyoga Education & Research Foundation established their Women Wing to pay a focused attention to the solution of certain problems relating to women in the society as also to enlighten them spiritually and pave the way for the whole family’s emancipation through value-based and qualitative living. The present Chairperson of the Wing is Rajyogini B.K. Chakradhari (Delhi), while BK Dr. Savita (Shantivan) is the HQ Coordinator.

The Women Wing of the Brahma Kumaris has initiated quite a few programmes and projects for the moral and spiritual empowerment of women and also to ensure their just and equitable role in the social set up of the society, rural as well as urban. Since the inception of the Wing, every year some specific schemes through seminars and conferences are taken up, some of which have been as follows:
1. A three-day training course ‘Values for a happy family life’ is imparted to desirous women in which they are enlightened on the methods and plans of adopting the techniques which would ensure peace, happiness, love, orderliness and cleanliness in theirfamily life.
2. Programmes to enable them to treat themselves as empowered and not a burden on others. They are given training in values and spiritual knowledge to empower their inner self.
3.Conducting seminars and conferences and retreats relating to problems of the women.such programmes women are encouraged to highlight ‘Problems & issues relating to women’ and the means of ‘Women Empowerment’. They discuss and debate all such issues thoroughly.

    Till now more than 25 such seminars have been organized at the Brahma Kumaris HQ in which thousands of women have participated and benefited. It may also be noted that in these programmes the Chairperson of the National Commission for Women’s Rights, Union Minister for Child and Women Welfare have been participating from time to time.

    For the meaningful and spiritual empowerment of women, the Wing also organizes Three-Day Meditation Camp’ in which they are encouraged to experience peace, power, enthusiasm and stress-free living in their real life situations. They are also taught how to rise above the small and petty routine matters of their daily life and not be emotionally charged in such situations. The Women’s Wing has organized many such camps for women not only at their headquarters but also at different centers in the country.

    The Women Wing has also taken care to provide this meaningful spiritual service to the rural and remote areas where women are rarely allowed to move out of their home or village. The Wing also tries to reach the tribal people. These areas have also been benefited with the Godly knowledge and training so that their family life is value-based and qualitatively more virtuous.